Custom Work

Looking for something new & unique??

Is it a piece of jewelry , and engagement rings, or wedding bands??

Merch for your band your band, or you want to develop something for your brand??

Token of appreciations for groomsman or bridesmaids?

Maybe it's a something bigger like furniture, or art fabrication??

Perhaps you have something specific in mind, or just a faint shadow of an idea ? Are you repurposing a family heirloom, or starting from scratch?

Whatever your needs are i'll do my best to work with you to get exactly what your looking for.

Please use the form below to tell me about your project. I'll get back to you via email ASAP.  If you would prefer a phone call just let me know and i'll give you a ring!

Thanks, i look forward to hearing all about your project!


73 products

Interested in custom work? Drop me a line!